CUSUR 2015 – Project III

DC Occasional Briefings Series
CUSUR spent much time looking into acquiring appropriate office space in Kyiv. It did not turn its attention to having a DC presence until summer 2012.
Matters changed when Zenovia and George Jurkiw decided to provide the Center with a truly munificent “pozhertva” (offering); it allowed CUSUR to open a fully functional bureau in DC (on the premises of APFC). With the acquisition of the stated space, CUSUR was given access to what has fondly come to be called AFPC”s own “Situation Room”. The room is equipped with the latest in “global communications” equipment and fitted to seat several dozen “discussants” comfortably. In addition, it sports detailed maps of “world”s geopolitical pivot points”.
The additional capabilities led the CUSUR Board of Directors to add one more item to the Center”s busy menu-the Occasional Briefings Series. The new series helped provide CUSUR (and, by extension, the US-UA Working Group) with the ability to analyze changing developments in the Ukrainian political landscape and provide timely as well as appropriate responses throughout 2013.
Such flexibility proved of utmost importance once a truly unsettled stated of affairs in Ukraine appeared in early 2014. To enhance the flexibility, the Occasional Briefings Series brought new (and younger) actors in the political, social, intellectual and cultural arenas of Ukrainian life to DC to explore “novel trends”, as they emerged. It also brought recently minted UA military commanders and senior security analysts to Capitol Hill to provide a proper understanding of the “conflict” taking place first in Crimea and then on “UA”s Eastern Front”.
The latter surfaced as a particularly important exercise starting in October 2014, after Ukraine”s new president, Petro Poroshenko, arrived in Washington DC to ask for means with which to contain an open and massive Russian military incursion into Eastern Ukraine starting in August (in contrast to earlier RU escapades using “little green men” and “secessionist cadres”). When the Obama Administration balked at the request, the Ukrainian American Hromada, in the form of an Ad Hoc Committee on Ukraine (AHCU), sought to mobilize the US Congress to counter the balk. AHCU, impressed with the military and security personnel that CUSUR had earlier sponsored, asked the Center to do a reprise of its “defense discussions on the Hill” in mid November. The reprise and some very serious lobbying by the AHCU helped obtain passage of a Ukraine Freedom Support Act in mid December (2014) authorizing the POTUS to provide lethal weaponry to the UA Armed Forces (and providing the appropriate funds for the authorization).
As 2015 opens up, CUSUR intends to pursue the Occasional Briefing Series construct on two fronts. It will continue to organize “now traditional frank Chatham House style conversations” (richly enhanced by “top flight discussion leaders” and “absolutely salient topics for review”) as often as once a month (if necessary). The Center will also continue to keep an eye on AHCU and the Ukraine Freedom Support Act. If the Act stalls in the implementation stage in early 2015, CUSUR intends to help the AHCU press for the creation of a “Senate Task Force on Ukraine” (modeled on the 1980s Senate Task Force on Afghanistan) designed to pressure the POTUS to release and deliver materiel (anti armor weapons, crew weapons, counter artillery radars, secure forms of communication) that had already received the proper legislative authorization and appropriation.