CUSUR 2013 – Project II

The Journal of Ukrainian Affairs
Recognizing the urgent need to set up proper channels for maximum
dissemination of the information CUSUR had at its disposal, the Center
has long considered its anticipated biannual Journal of Ukrainian Affairs a priority.
To this end, the Center has conducted a series of
publishing experiments during the last three years. In order to get
the proper ‘feel’ for the material the JUA might provide, CUSUR’s
website (which has itself become a valuable purveyor of newsworthy
data) has featured several prequel “occasional papers” presented by
US-UA Working Group members as well as ‘interviews’ with some of
Ukraine’s most prominent political players.
While proceeding with the efforts, CUSUR has come to an important
conclusion (and equally important decision). Noting the fact that its
one of its abiding partners, the UCCA, has been putting out a
venerable journal, the Ukrainian Quarterly, for nearly seventy years,
the Center has decided that it will not publish its JUA in a hard or
“paper” copy form; such “competition” would be valueless. Rather,
CUSUR will keep the project Internet based; if nothing else, the
format will allow the Center to introduce an ‘interactive’ dimension
to the endeavor (and, in the age of ‘web-surfing’, that may be the
ultimate selling point).
As planned earlier, each JUA issue will include four articles related
to the Center’s areas of analytic interest as well as four reviews of
recent books written in the said areas of interest.
Additionally, the Journal will include ‘interviews’ and ‘occasional
papers’ like those aforementioned as well as keynote UA Quest RT/UEAF
Forum ‘presentation’ reprints and a blog-site for every member of the
US-UA Working Group.