The origins of the Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Future International Forum Series can be traced to the gratifying, often exhilarating, work that the all the various sponsors and patrons have done together during the last decade organizing the Ukraine’s Quest for Mature Nation Statehood Roundtable Series.
In late 2006, the UA Quest RTS organizers decided to harness the generated momentum and channel it into a new, internationally based discussion series about the single most critical issue facing Ukraine today-i.e., its Euro-Atlantic Future-that would begin June (2007) in Kyiv, Ukraine’s gold domed capital.
The anticipated first gathering, the Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Future International Forum I was held in Kyiv, at the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, on June 11-13 2007. More that 80 government and non-governmental representatives from among Ukraine’s neighbors and partners, including the Czech Republic, Denmark, Norway, Lithuania, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, the Slovak Republic, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States, spoke at the three day conference. Nearly 320 interested individuals registered to be participants in the event.
Seeing the interest shown in the inaugural event, the organizers decided to chance running three events a year: one in Washington, a second in Ukraine [Kyiv, Kharkiv, Lviv, Donetsk] and a final annual gathering in one of the various capitals of Europe [Berlin, Warsaw, Brussels, London, Paris] with Ottawa as a possible candidate as well; the first would remain under the Quest name and the last two would carry the new Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Future moniker.
Seven UEAF symposia have now been held, including a long-promised UEAF forum in Canada:
- Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Future: International Forum I [Kyiv/June 2007]
- Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Future: International Forum II [Kyiv/June 2008]
- Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Future: International Forum III [Brussels/April 2009]
- Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Future: International Forum IV [Kharkiv/June 2009]
- Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Future: International Forum V [Kyiv/January 2012]
- Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Future: International Forum VI [Ottawa/March 2012]
- Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic Future: International Forum VII [London/December 2012]
In 2013 (September 23), the UEAF Forum held a joint event with the UA Quest RT Series focusing on Divining the Outcome of the [November] EP Summit in Vilnius.
Also kindly note UEAF/IF affiliate events:
ACUS/CUSUR Event (featuring: B. Tarasyuk, H. Nemyria, K. Hryshchenko) [Oct. 15, 2007]
- Black Sea Synergy Forum (Odessa-Istanbul) [October 21-23, 2007]
- ACUS/CP Event (featuring: V. Yanukovych, H. Kissinger, O. Motsyk) [Sept. 19, 2010]
- Ukraine 2010: Continuity or Change in PL-UA & DE-UA Relations [December 16-17, 2010]
- PAUCI/Ukraine: Relations with the World (Washington, DC) [April 7, 2011]
- Ukraine-20 Years of Independence: Politics, Economy, Society (Warsaw) [Dec. 16, 2011]
- UEAF Affiliate Event: 2012 Parliamentary Elections (Warsaw) [Dec. 6–7, 2012]
- UEAF Affiliate Event: Quo Vadis Ukraine – 2013? (Warsaw) [Dec. 5–6, 2013] [PDF of program in Pol.]
- UEAF Affiliate Event: Eastern Policy Forum (Warsaw) [Dec 14-15, 2014]