An UA HES Special Event took place on April 15, 2013 in Washington DC under the title “Assessing Ukraine’s Post-Totalitanian Experience”. The joint American Foreign Policy Council-Center for US-Ukrainian Relations event featured Volodymyr Vyatrovych, former Chief Archivist for the Ukrainian Security Services (SBU). The event was seminal in that it was also the first of the ‘Occasional Papers and Briefings’ events that CUSUR’s newly minted DC Bureau plans to run in the future.
Speakers included:
Orest Deychakiwsky | Wayne Merry |
William Miller | Volodymyr Vyatrovych |
American Foreign Policy Council | Center for US-Ukrainian Relations |
Heritage Foundation at First Security Federal Savings Bank | UKMA Foundation |
Dr. Volodymyr Vyaytrovych’s keynote remarks
The event’s program.