The US-UA Leadership Summit
The US-UA Leadership Summit is intended as a high powered NGO to NGO supplement to the government to government discussions that are scheduled to take place periodically under the agreements reached thru the ‘Charter on a Strategic Partnership’
-signed by US Secretary of State Condi Rice and UA MFA Volodymyr Ohryzko in December 2008, confirmed during UA MFA Poroshenko’s visit with Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in November 2009, and reconfirmed by the US and Ukrainian foreign affairs establishments in April 2010.
-signed by US Secretary of State Condi Rice and UA MFA Volodymyr Ohryzko in December 2008, confirmed during UA MFA Poroshenko’s visit with Secretary of State Hilary Clinton in November 2009, and reconfirmed by the US and Ukrainian foreign affairs establishments in April 2010.
It will involve the participation of all 20 of the ‘experts’ from the
US side associated with the US-UA Working Group as well as their 20
counterparts from the Ukrainian side. It will also include 10 selected
participants from the international NGO community renowned for their
knowledge of contemporary Ukraine. Finally, it will include 10
prominent activists from the global Ukrainian Hromada.
US side associated with the US-UA Working Group as well as their 20
counterparts from the Ukrainian side. It will also include 10 selected
participants from the international NGO community renowned for their
knowledge of contemporary Ukraine. Finally, it will include 10
prominent activists from the global Ukrainian Hromada.
As originally envisioned, the event was to cover each of the four categories of interest named in the Strategic Partnership Charter (and incidentally reflected in CUSUR’s ‘analytic sectors’): politics/diplomacy, economics, security and historical/culturological issues and its ultimate objective was to find/suggest ways to strengthen ties between the two countries in the near/far future. The Summit”s new task, as vetted and adopted by CUSUR”s Board of Directors, will be to provide a yearly six subject report card” on Ukraine”s progress/regress with regard to robust democratic politics, developed market economics, viable social cohesion, ever greater energy security, ever greater general security and an established (yet tolerant) national identity” and its top priority will be to take accurate measure” of the status of the US-Ukrainian relations going forward.
An annotated transcript of the proceedings will be published and distributed to the various US governmental and non-governmental agencies and institutions that have an interest in Ukraine. Its translated counterpart will in likewise fashioned be distributed in Ukraine-obviously, to those Ukrainian governmental and non-governmental agencies and institutions that have an interest in the US.
The US-UA Leadership Summit
The University Club/Embassy Row/Washington DC
Third Week of June, 2012
Potential Participants/US Side:
- William Taylor
- William Miller
- John Herbst
- Paula Dobriansky
- Keith Smith
- William Courtney
- David Kramer
- Damon Wilson
- Ariel Cohen
- Herman Pirchner
- Nadia Diuk
- Ed Chow
- Steve Larrabee
- Ilan Berman
- Keith Crane
- Anders Aslund
- Jan Bugajski
- Bohdan Futey
- Steve Blank
- Adrian Karatnycky
Potential Participants/UA Side:
- Borys Tarasyuk
- Hryhoriy Nemyria
- Valentyn Nalyvaichenko
- Petro Poroshenko
- Yevhen Perelygin
- Pavel Klimkin
- Oleh Rybachuk
- Valeriy Chaliy
- Leonid Polyakov
- Olexandr Sushko
- Volodymyr Dubovyk
- Hryhoriy Perepylytsya
- Yevhen Kaminsky
- Mykhailo Honchar
- Bohdan Sokolowski
- Olexiy Haran
- Volodymyr Viatrovych
- Jock Mendoza Wilson
- Oleh Medvedev
Potential Participants/Int”l. NGO Community;
- James Sherr
- Nico Lange
- Jan Pieklo
- Andreas Umland
- Krzysztof Bobinski
- Katrina Wolchik
- Amanda Paul
- Derek Fraser
- Friedrich Pfluger
- Jonas Graetz
Potential Participants/Global UA “Hromada”:
- Yevhen Czolij
- Mykhailo Ratushnyj
- Stefan Romaniw
- Paul Grod
- Tamara Gallo
- Mykhailo Sawkiw
- Julian Kulas
- Pavlo Bandriwsky
- Bohdan Kurczak
- Bohdan Savycky
Preliminary Program/By Theme and Sub-Categories:
9:00 AM – 10:20 AM/Session One: Developed Democratic Politics
Sub Categories:
- Fair Elections
- Free Media
- Respect for Human Rights
- Strong Civil Progress
- Chair (5 minute overview)
- Nine Lead Discussants (5 minute remarks apiece)
- General Discussion (20 minutes)
- Final Grade from Discussants & Chair (10 minutes)
- [Real Progress-Progress-Unchanged-Regress-Real Regress]
10:20 AM – 11:40 AM/Session Two: Mature Market Economics
Sub Categories:
- Sound Fiscal Policy
- Sound Monetary Policy
- Appropriate Deregulation/Privatization
- General Business Transparency
- Chair (5 minute overview)
- Nine Lead Discussants (5 minute remarks apiece)
- General Discussion (20 minutes)
- Final Grade from Discussants & Chair (10 minutes)
- [Real Progress-Progress-Unchanged-Regress-Real Regress]
11:40 AM – 1:00 PM/Session Three: Ever Greater General Security
Sub Categories:
- Secure Borders
- Modernized Military Industrial Infrastructure
- Professionalized Armed Forces
- Reliable Allies
- Chair (5 minute overview)
- Nine Lead Discussants (5 minute remarks apiece)
- General Discussion (20 minutes)
- Final Grade from Discussants & Chair (10 minutes)
- [Real Progress-Progress-Unchanged-Regress-Real Regress]
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Lunch
- [Remarks by Amb. John Tefft]
2:00 PM – 3:20 PM/Session Four: Ever Greater Energy Security
Sub Categories:
- Expanding Domestic Production
- Improving Transport Capacity
- Enlarging Storage Capacity
- Increasing Conservation
- Chair (5 minute overview)
- Nine Lead Discussants (5 minute remarks apiece)
- General Discussion (20 minutes)
- Final Grade from Discussants & Chair (10 minutes)
- [Real Progress-Progress-Unchanged-Regress-Real Regress]
3:20 PM – 4:40 PM/Session Five: Viable Social Cohesion
Sub Categories:
- Stable Inter-Ethnic Relations
- Stable Inter-Faith Relations
- Stable Class Relations
- Manageable Regional Differences
- Chair (5 minute overview)
- Nine Lead Discussants (5 minute remarks apiece)
- General Discussion (20 minutes)
- Final Grade from Discussants & Chair (10 minutes)
- [Real Progress-Progress-Unchanged-Regress-Real Regress]
4:40 PM – 6:00 PM/Session Six: An Established National Identity
Sub Categories:
- A Sense of Common History
- A Sense of Common Culture
- A Sense of a Common Future
- Ability to Assimilate the “Other”
- Chair (5 minute overview)
- Nine Lead Discussants (5 minute remarks apiece)
- General Discussion (20 minutes)
- Final Grade from Discussants & Chair (10 minutes)
- [Real Progress-Progress-Unchanged-Regress-Real Regress]
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Summit Dinner
- [Remarks by Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski]