Senator Richard Lugar, in his keynote address to Ukraine's Quest RT VI [September 2005] restated Secretary Bodman's initiative and challenged the RT organizers to organize "a US-UA energy forum" by promising to help with an appropriate venue on Capitol Hill. The RT organizers got to work immediately and with two months, the US-Ukrainian Energy Dialogue Series was born.
Five such forums have now been held: the inaugural event in Washington DC, in Nov 2006, a very popular follow-up in Houston, in May 2006, a return event in DC in 2008, featuring an important keynote by the patron of the Series, Sen. Lugar, and a recent gathering held in Kyiv (December 2012) to highlight Ukraine's need to seek 'energy independence'. In the wake of Euro-Maidan (August 2014), CUSUR, in conjunction with AFPC, the Kyiv Energy Club 'Q' and the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine ran a US-UA Energy-Security Fusion Event.
- US-Ukraine Energy Dialogue I
- Ukraine-Int'l Energy Roundtable: Strengthening UA's Energy Diversity
- US-Ukraine Energy Dialogue III
- US-Ukraine Energy Dialogue IV
- US-Ukraine Energy-Security Fusion Dialogue V
Major Western energy and energy related concerns that have participated in the stated gatherings include: Cardinal Resources, AES, Northland Power, Holtec, Hunt Oil, Aspect Energy, Vanco, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Shell, Westinghouse, Hitachi America, Safeguards Inc., Allied Technologies Group, Halliburton, PFC Energy, Devon, Marathon Oil, Trident Oil.
CUSUR anticipates that late summer 2017 will see US-UA Energy Dialogue VI in Kyiv.