The Plight of Ukrainians in the RF by the numbers

US-UA Working Group Dinner II

The Plight of Ukrainians in the RF by the numbers

Presented to the 2nd Annual US-UA Working Group Dinner, held in Washington DC on July 19, 2011.

Education and Information Rights of Ukrainians in Russia and Russians in Ukraine

(comparative analysis for the period of 2009-2010/Source: UA Min FA)
Russians in Ukraine: 8,334,141 persons
(according to the census in 2001)
Ukrainians in RF: 2,943,471 persons
(according to the census in 2002)
Unofficial data shows more than
10 million Ukrainians living in Russia
Preschools with Russian as language of instruction 988 Preschools with Ukrainian as language of instruction 0
– number of students 164,568 – number of students 0
Schools with Russian as language of instruction 1,154 Schools with Ukrainian as language of instruction 0
Schools with both Ukrainian and Russian as languages of instruction 1,543 Schools with both Russian and Ukrainian as languages of instruction 0
Total number of students in schools with Russian as language of instruction 779,423 Total number of students in schools with Ukrainian as language of instruction 0
Number of school students in learning Russian Language as a compulsory school subject 1,284,408 Number of school students learning Ukrainian Language as a compulsory school subject 205
Number of school students learning Russian Language as an optional subject or within language courses 147,781 Number of school students learning Ukrainian Language as an optional subject or within language courses 445
Colleges with Russian as language of instruction 35 Colleges with Ukrainian as language of instruction 0
Colleges with both Ukrainian and Russian as languages of instruction 113 Colleges with both Russian and Ukrainian as languages of instruction 0
Total number of students in colleges with Russian as language of instruction 51,685 Total number of students in colleges with Ukrainian as language of instruction 0
Number of students with Russian language of instruction in high schools (institutes, universities) 395,186 Number of students with Ukrainian language of instruction in high schools (institutes, universities) 0
Russian-teaching textbooks published at the expense of the State Budget of Ukraine (quantity) 1,555,500 Ukrainian-teaching textbooks published at the expense of the State Budget of Russia (quantity) 0
– total costs (approx. USD) $2,344,610.00 – total costs (approx. USD) 0
Ukrainan-Russian Dictionaries published at the expense of the State Budget of Ukraine (quantity) 125,000 Ukrainian-Russian Dictionaries published at the expense of the State Budget of Russia (quantity) 0
– total costs (approx. USD) $188,917.00 – total costs (approx. USD) 0
Total state budget funding for schools with Russian language of instruction (approx.USD) $402,472,833.70 Total state budget funding for schools with Ukrainian language of instruction (approx.USD) 0
Number of Russian-language periodical press 2,343 Number of Ukrainian-language periodical press 0
Number of periodical press published in Russian and Ukrainian 3,568 Number of periodical press published in Ukrainian and Russian 0